Isgın Plant


Turkey has a lot of advantages for agriculture because it has fertile land and some plants types can grow quickly in this place for instance ışgın/ışkın. 

If we explain the ışkın/ışkın, it comes from the Polygonaceae family, and generally, it grows between 1000m and 4000m in the may-June. It grows on rocky and gravel slopes and it mostly grows in Eastern and Southern Anatolia, Northern Iraq, and Northwest Iran also, single Rheum species can grow at altitudes of 1800 to 2800 meters. It can grow in some cities in Turkey, these are Ağrı, Muş, Bitlis, Bingöl, Elazığ, Erzincan, Malatya, Tunceli, Hakkâri, Van, Erzurum, Iğdır, Kars, Sivas, Adıyaman, Kahramanmaraş, and Siirt, in addition to ışgın/ışkın, has yellowish and white flowers. It’s high stay between 40-150cm, it is perennial also it’s flowers are hermaphrodite, it reproduces by pollination, It is hard-built and herbaceous and its large leaves are not extremely lobed are reddish, scaly in a floury appearance, grooved, kidney-shaped, or evocative of elephant ears. Işgın/ışkın has the taste like kiwi or banana so people called as the kiwi or banana of the east also there is mostly an advantage for ışgın because most people know in use of ışgın in pharmacology. when it cooks the ışgın, a high polyphenol ratio, and antioxidant vitamins are observed. Fresh shoots are rich in vitamin C, but poor in vitamins A and E. Also, the selenium level is sufficient and in the study of flowers of ışgın/ışkın, an extract of methanolic and aqueous are protective against ulcer and gastric disease. They arrange the stomach acid and other medical properties for ışgın, the obtained section of ethanol, and the aqueous effect of the lipid concentration in the hypothyroid rabbits. Therefore, ışgın is potentially hypolipidemic, and scientists consider it to be useful in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia and hyperglyceridemia, which are risk factors for coronary heart disease moreover, people use it as a prevention of diarrhea. Its roots are used in the provinces of Van, Bitlis, Erzurum, and Siirt to treat hemorrhoids and to create hypoglycemic effects in people with diabetes. Also, in Iran, ışgın is used as a diuretic (diuretic), blood cleanser, and jaundice remover In the Elazig region, against foot and mouth disease, the rhizome root is boiled and drunk into the animal. People can use the ışgın as a colorant, for instance, people use ışgın as the beige color for their wool also in Bitlis people obtain blue color from ışgın’s root. on the other hand, there is some disadvantage of ışgın/ışkın, for example, rabdomiyoliz is an acute kidney disease, and plant original toxins causes this disease sometimes. In the elmalı village of Siirt,ışgın’s price is 2 or 3 Turkish liras in the village bazaar and peasants collect between 200 and 300 kg ışgın for each year.ın Zoroastrianism(religion) Ahura Mazda created the Geyumert and malignant Ehrimen(first malignant like the devil) kills the Geyumert and the sun purifies the seeds and ışgın/ışkın grew from these seeds and after this ışgıns became the first woman and man. 

There is a lot of property of ışgın for example pharmacology and colorant, if we study the ışgın, we can observable new property and we can treat some diseases so that ışgın’s economic importance can be increased.


- B. S. Fazly Bazzaz, M. Khajehkaramadin, H. R. Shokooheizadeh (2002), In vitro activity of Rheum ribes extracts against clinical isolates of gram-negative pathogens

·                          - Rakesh K. Sindhu, Pradeep Kumar, Jagdeep Kumar, Ashok Kumar, Sandeep Arora (2010),  Investigations into the anti-ulcer activity of Rheum ribes Linn. leaves extracts

·                         - Adem Tatlı, Hasan Akan, A. Zafer Tel, Cemil Kara (2002),  The Flora of Upper Ceyhan Valley (Kahramanmaraş/Turkey)

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